Sunday, August 10, 2008


Dusk was approaching and the evening lights were starting to appear like distant stars being uncovered slowly by hovering clouds. There was a slight drizzle - enough to dampen Benny's clothes.

He was wearing a light blue polo shirt and a tie which complemented well with his dark blue slacks. He was on his way to the University. He had thought, it wasn't going to rain so he did not bother to bring additional clothing.

The bright lights at the Professional School - which was the tallest building on that side of the street - came on.

On the right side of the imposing building, there was a sprinkling of various establishments- the Jollibee fast Food, the Glaxo Internet Cafe, the DJ drugstore and a series of small eateries where most students whiled their time away.

On the left side was the spacious parking lot for the University's diverse clientele.
Benny had enrolled in an evening class in Law School because he worked as a paralegal "gofer" during the day.

The money the native folks had contributed had been deposited at the Land Bank and Benny refused to touch a single centavo.

It was not his ego which came into play in this one, it was his sense of responsibility; he wanted that the hard earned money of the old folk would be able to earn them interest.

To return the money would be considered a slap to the faces of the elders. He knew the old folks were happy to know that they took active part in his education, and they did.

Their concern was heart warming that it had fed the burning desire in his heart to pursue his studies. He had to make it on his own finances or he could never claim he had succeeded. Julia stayed mum on the topic after she realized nothing could persuade him to use the money.

Benny momentarily paused in his tracks as he remembered Julia- Ah- Julia! His adorable wife was still able to arouse him so intensely. With a one year old child, he had thought the passion would fade. On the contrary, they were more ardent in making love now more than ever: exploring new erotic zones and experimenting on unique wonderful ways of expressing their ardent love for each other.

Andre was one of the most wonderful things that happened to their lives - The boy displayed initiative and courage even at his very young age. Once he toppled precariously because he was trying to pick a cat out of a bicycle's path.

Julia almost fainted when he saw the wheels of the bicycle almost on top of her son's face. The person had stopped in time to save both boy and cat. He was a precocious, adventurous tot that surprised even him and Julia.

Benny smiled inwardly as he remembered how Andre had inherited his looks but had Julia's round, dark brown eyes. He always looked forward to spending time with the two most precious persons in his life.

The evening shadows played on the contours of his face. He had noticeable lines now on his forehead and on the corners of his eyes. His wavy hair had grown longer and had curved inwardly towards his face. The fierce intensity in his eyes had now the knowing look of someone who had seen more than the ordinary at his age and time. His muscular and lean physique had not changed a bit in spite of the lessened physical activity- he no longer walked very long distances- but he jogs every morning before reporting to work.

Enrolling in the Juris Doctor Program had not been easy as there were several prerequisites he still had to finish, and finished he did. Now he had finally made it! It was the third day of classes and Benny found it to be taxing but challenging nevertheless.

Photo by misocrazy
Research assignments were given everyday and he did not have ample time to do extensive research. He found Introduction to Law relatively easy with their happy-go-lucky Professor, Atty. Miranda.

In Criminal Law 1; however, they had an extremely strict disciplinarian - Atty. Lagum as their professor. He treated them like undergraduate students. Benny knew, Atty Lagum wanted to intimidate them, for what reason - he still could not fathom.

And Criminal Law 1 was his first subject that evening. The first assignment was on Evidence Gathering.

There was a string of questions to answer : "Who are the primary persons involved in the crime?" " What were their specific roles in the crime?" " Why did they act the way they did? etc, etc, " It seems like he was in a psychology class and not in a law course.

But the professor insisted that as future lawyers, they had to be familiar with the machinations of the complex human mind.



  1. I knew Benny would get into Law, it's in his nature. I see him as a defense attorney, and a good one too. With his background, I see public defender or what ever they have. He'll want to help those who can't help themselves.

    Great story, why do I feel your leading up to more rebellion?

  2. He he he, Hi Eric, thanks for dropping by again. Rebellion? Did you mean armed or unarmed? Give me a clue. I know you would have great ideas. How's the first chapter going? Can't wait to post it here. All the best.

  3. I appreciate your comment and I realized what you were saying, I was planning on giving the series some plot and deeper story line thanks a lot for reeding- ShawnD

  4. Hi, ShawnD thanks for the visit. You write well, do write something new. Thanks.

  5. Dear jena, thank you for this post.
    I like the new setting. At the beginning I could well visualize the scene, the drizzle, the dampened clothes... well written.

    Benny wants always to suceed on his own, why is he responsible like that? He has a family, wouldn't he be grateful for support? What will be his next antagonist?

    Thank you for sharing this new chapter...

  6. Benny's life has taken quite a turn. But I get the sense that there's more excitement in his future.

  7. Hi Ray, Thanks for the kind words. I always looked forward to your visits. They always contributed something. All the best.

  8. Hi Francis, I'm glad you were able to drop by, thanks for always reading my posts. I do appreciate it a lot. All the best.

  9. Hi Jenaisle,

    It's Monday morning here and the courier is waiting for me to finish this CD.

    The story is going very well as it takes this turn of events. If he does become a lawyer, I assume he would either be a Human Rights lawyer or a Labor lawyer. But whatever he turns out to be, I suspect that he will be embroiled in a series of events that would further polish the kind of rebellious gem he was cut out to be. He could even run into some of the former enemies he had when he was in the mountains.

    He will always be a rebel but would use the existing legal structures and resources to wage his battles for social justice, equality and empowerment. His idealism will never wane, and his orientation will be predisposed towards giving to this world - not by taking from it - to make it richer and better for others.

    Great post! :-) --Durano, done!

  10. Hi Durano, thanks for commenting in spite of being busy with your noble endeavour. I appreciate also the positive comments and suggestions. I will consider them when I continue with the story. Again thanks and all the best.

  11. Hi, Jena - I'm just joining Benny's story here but hopefully there's lots more to come. I really enjoyed it; the pacing was particularly good. I'll certainly be back for more. :)

  12. OK, I agree with Durano, I think Benny will become involved with the rebellion in a new way. I see him scouring the volumes of legal case law, and finding one of those obscure but powerful Judicial decisions. A decision that he will have to force down the governments throat in a courtroom battle of wit and will.

    Benny will always be striving for the betterment of his people. He will also find a way to repay those who helped him. Maybe free legal service center or something like that. I'm sure his leadership and organizational skills will play a major part.

    A fun twist, I also see, is Benny having to defend Lito in court. A defense attorney having to abide by his duty to provide the best possible defense for his client. Benny may have to struggle with this one.

  13. Hi Fiendish, at last a visit from the the very young, great short story writer...I do appreciate your visit...been wishing you'd visit (lol)..thanks and all the best. You can PM me of any suggestions ..I would welcome it...

  14. Hi Eric,

    You have given me a great story did you know, I am debating on how to "treat" the story? You're a blessing for sincerely reading through and making useful comments. I am so blessed I have sincere and helpful readers.

    The fun twist is worth a thought...let me think on how to go about it.

    What would I do without all of you???

    Thank you and thank you.

    Happy blogging!

  15. Wow, Jen, Benny's story is hooking the world, as he should!! Great as ever, keep it coming!!


  16. Hi Ken, so nice to have you back here after your vacation. Thanks for the visit and the support. I appreciate it a lot.

    God Bless!

  17. Hi Jena,
    I see that I have a lot of reading to catch up on. I am again the last one to comment as usual. I enjoyed reading your story and reading the other readers' comments. They have some very interesting suggestions. As for myself, I'm clueless as to what direction your story is going. But, for sure, I'll be coming by to see its progress. Good Luck.

  18. Hey Tasha, my comments wouldn't be complete without yours. Thanks for dropping by with your kind words.

    Happy blogging.
