Thursday, February 14, 2013

Factors In Choosing The Best Technique On How To Get Your Boyfriend To Want You Back

There are many methods on how to get your boyfriend to want you back or how to get your ex boyfriend to want you back. In fact, the internet is full of varied advises, methods and techniques on this subject. What the writers did not dwell so much on, is the concept that all these means are not universal because of individual differences. Personality is one critical factor that you need to seriously take into account when choosing a method to employ is the character of your boyfriend. This is the emotional, attitudinal, and behavioral response patterns of a person to situations and events or to stimulants. There are four major personality traits that affect your boyfriend’s responses to the triggers or techniques on how to get your boyfriend to want you back or how to get your ex boyfriend to want you back.

·       A sanguine person is one who is impulsive, sensitive, and compassionate, sometimes is sarcastic. They are talkative and are not easily intimidated. They are the confident type. If your boyfriend has a sanguine personality, then probably, the break up was a result of his impulsiveness. If that be the case, then applying the more subtle type of methods on how to get your ex boyfriend to want you back such ash giving him space, asking for apology, letting him talk about the break up are better options you can take. Their sensitivity and compassion will aid you in getting his attention back to you.

·         A choleric person has mood swings. They are jolly this time and in another instant they become sad or angry and cordial. They are strong willed. They often times do not listen to advices. They are easy to anger. They are not so much on emotions such as love, tenderness, warmth and compassion. They seldom change their minds.  If your boyfriend has a choleric temperament, then it is more difficult for you even with how to get your boyfriend to want you back techniques. You can adopt the radical or stronger methods such a no contact, ignoring him and others.

·         A melancholic individual tend to forget other people and they only think of themselves or of what they are doing. They are easily hurt, sad, gloomy and depressed. They are also perfectionists and since they are that, they expect other people to be perfect too. If your boyfriend belongs to this type of personality, you must be careful not to add to their melancholy. It is best that you adopt more positive methods on how to get your ex boyfriend to want you back.

·     A phlegmatic person is warm, attentive, quiet, relaxed, rational and consistent. They are kind, sympathetic, quiet, collected, cool, and calm. He is also has negative traits such as being worrisome, fearful, indecisive, selfish and shy. When your boyfriend is a phlegmatic person, you need to use adopt a combination of good-natured techniques and the more aggressive ones on how to get your boyfriend to want you back such as self development, setting him up for a casual date, asking him to explain and others that is appropriate to his type of person.

Personality plays a big role in choosing the best methods on how to get your ex boyfriend to want you back or how to get your boyfriend to want you back. It may even be the only consideration you need to take into account in some break ups. Whatever break up situation you are in; do not forget to include your boyfriend’s personality in adopting methods or techniques in getting back your boyfriend. It will be easier for you if you do that. One method is effective on one individual but not with another. Before embarking on adopting methods on how to get your boyfriend to want you back, you need to consider the personality factor that affects your selection process. This is a critical consideration that you need to take seriously if you are to be successful in your goal.

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