Sunday, October 19, 2008

"I Love Your Blog " Award From Caught in the Stream

I received a few weeks ago the "I Love Your Blog" award from Francis Scudellari of Caught in the Stream. I am extremely honored to have been given this award by an artist I admire so much- the quintessential artist.

Francis is a brilliant poet, storywriter and "abstoon" (that's what he calls his dynamic drawings-a cross between the abstract and cartoons)artist.

I had given him the award before in my Working Abroad blog and will be giving the same blogs again this award of admiration.

Thanks Francis for the honor and kudos to you!


  1. Congratulations! I rec'd the same award also. I really do need to acknowledge everybody for all the awards given to me by writing a post. I've been hoarding all of them.

    Good night,

  2. Hi Tasha, thanks and congrats too. Thanks for the visit. Happy blogging.

  3. Dear jena, congartulation, how often did you receive the award til now...;-) And you deserve it. Happy Blogging

  4. Hello Ray, thanks for your trust and have to come up with my chapter 16 now...he he he..Happy blogging.

  5. Hi Jena,
    You can't receive too many awards, right? Sorry for the repeat, but I'm glad you appreciate getting it again :).

  6. Hi Francis, don't apologize, I treasure this award so much because it comes from you. To be given an award by an artist you admire is a great honor for me. Thanks again.
